1. There are tons of nerve endings ...
~In your lips (100 times more than in your fingertips!) that stimulate desire.
That's why smooching before,
and after sex can be extremely arousing and satisfying.
2. Pay attention to those "See ya later" pecks.If your guy
~Routinely only gives you a quick kiss on the cheek when saying good-bye,
it could be that he's guarded and doesn't emote easily.
If this is a more recent development, it's a warning sign;
he may be feeling ambivalent about the relationship.
3. Forty percent of men say that...
~A really long,
steamy kiss will get them immediately ready to head to the bedroom.
(Thirty percent said that grabbing their crotch will do it. Duh.)
4. Instantly turn up the kissing intimacy by ...
~Closing the "A-frame":
a smooching stance in which you and your guy are in the middle of a smooch
but your hips are a mile apart.
By pressing your hips together,
the degree of desire quickly rises.
5. The best way to kiss a guy's ear? Kiss and ...
~Suck on his earlobe for a moment and then trace the outline of his ear with the tip of your tongue.
(Bonus points if you whisper something naughty to him.)
6. Men initiate open-mouth kissing to transfer ...
~Libido-boosting testosterone to their partner.
So when he's getting a little more aggressive,
it's not just about his desire —
he wants you to be a bit more amorous too.
7. Men are more than twice as likely ...
~To sleep with a bad kisser than are women
8. Fifty-four percent of women ...
~ Between the ages of 18 and 24 say they've kissed another girl.
That number drops to 43 percent for those between 25 and 34.
9. During the Middle Ages, people signed legal contracts ...
~By making an "X" on the document and then kissing it to pledge their honor.
That's how XX became shorthand for a smooch.

HAHAi saw this at some website~i didnt read it~but i get interested with the topic~when i copy and paste i just know it's kinda obscene!LOL