End up turn to SHOE SHOPPING
u cant believe how much my mom spend on shoesssssss
My mom end up buy alot of shoes or sandal~
We just take alot of plastic that fulled of shoes
my mom say we are turning crazy
Is the first time all the plastic is just contain only shoes
maybe because my mom buy some for my bro and my dad
my sis have 2 pair
i forget my mom have how many pairs?
i also got 3 pair already
Actually i dont really love to buy sandals or cloth
because i know i'm fat
is hard for me to buy all that
especially for me i think my foot is wide so kinda hard to buy
but i dont know why end up yesterday i buy 3 pairs?
This is the first sandal i bought yesterday
is kinda cute bcs when wear it
Just like a ribbon infront of ur feet
This black sandal is kinda cool la~
the sales assistant say now trend lidat sandal wo~
like alot string lidat~
is not bad but maybe still abit tight for me
This is the BEST
i bought it at camel active
Although it look so normal and maybe oldies
But it is definately comfy just like step on pillow
And this is the most expensive between all
This is all the free gift we get by buying the shoes and sandal
Other than shoes
Of course got buy some others stuff la~
The black want is I buy one
But the eyeliner is my sis one
she really start hiao d~
Will i say BYE BYE to my CROCS?
definately not
Although i have new sandals
but all this time where i go i just wear my crocs~
so i still wont abandon her
When i buying all this sandals
I just rmb i have a hush puppies sandal that i just wear twice
i tottaly forget i buy this sandal already
Between yesterday we went to kinsahi
izit like that spell?
no ideas!
dont cared~
bcs i dont really enjoy my meal there
and after we pay the waiter came to our table
and ask did we satisfy everything about here?
Then I say if i say NO?
nothing u can do about it right?
then he actually speechless
my sis somemore add
FREE alls loh~
bcs we dn satisfy at all
actually i didnt meant to make the waiter clueless
i just kinda joking around
but i still didnt enjoy it
So today is all about SANDAL shopping
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